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Awesome things about sci-surf.

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Start from Github

What’s Github?

Github is a hosting platform for open source and private software projects. It is named Github because it only supports git as the only repository format for hosting.

If you are not a developer, then you can look for open source projects on Github.

Github is the gathering place for the world’s top developers, where you can find almost anything you want. There are many excellent and famous open source projects shared above. You can use and download these open source projects for free under the premise of complying with their licenses. This is also the most attractive part of Github.

And that’s why we get started from Github. We will recommend some awesome open source projects in the following content, most of which are from Github.

Why Sci-surf

When users use crawler software to crawl data or conduct market research, they often perform multiple operations on the target site, and this is likely to trigger countermeasures by the website server, resulting in the IP being blocked. Using an IP proxy can avoid this situation. Through the proxy IP, our real IP address can be hidden, and the security measures of the website can be bypassed in an anonymous form, so as to complete the user’s operation.

There are many websites that restrict access to users, identify users by reading IP addresses, and use IP proxies to break through these restrictions.

The proxy server has a buffer, which can save the information sent back by the external site. If a user accesses the same information, it can directly obtain the content stored in the buffer, thereby improving the access speed.

And that’s why we need sci-surf.

But most people use the sci-surf to break through the network blockade and freely roam the Internet world. Therefore, we prefer to call it “over the wall”.

There are numerous ways to sci-surf.

Ready for this?

Let’s get started!!!

Back to Github

There are some awesome projects I would like to introduce. Or maybe it’s just my sci-surf journey. I just wanted to document it. This road may not be the fastest, but it can be used as a reference.

I remember when I first visited github’s trending, the “freefq/free” project was at the forefront of daily trends. I learned a lot there and it helped me with sci-surf. Of course, this is also the first project I starred.

Since then, I have gradually started to understand and learn to use proxy software.

Both of them are the most famous.